Illegal Discord Modders & Likes/Account names/Coin & Account sellers.
If you have screenshots you wish to submit that you would like listed on this site to warn other players of illegal modders, account names, coin/crown & account sellers in avakin life that you come across, you may send them to: or We ask that you submit screenshots from a private email address so we may respect your privacy. Make sure to include screenshots of the persons profile and conversation.

This section contains sexually explicit photos which some users have chose to use as their profile pictures in Avakin Life (which violates the Terms of Service!) If you are not 18 or older, do not continue further! The profiles of the people who are breaking Avakins Terms of Service were put on here to show proof that these users are intentionally breaking Avakin Lifes Terms of Service and that they are exploiting discord and or mods to change their profile pic.
Mods are third party. Discord is third party. Don't believe us? Read about it here: And here:
Also listen to what this player even says about using discord and how it can get you banned, here:
Per the Terms of Service and conditions:
Oh yea, and theres also this in the Terms of Service:
4.2 You agree not to register any online ID, account name or user name which is abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene. We may alter or delete and online ID, account name or user name (including the corresponding user account) if we consider that online ID, account name or user name to be abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene.
4.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of these terms and conditions you agree and undertake not to:
9. Make the Avakin Life Applications or any part of it available to any third party;
4.4 You further agree that in connection with the Avakin Applications you will not:
9. Sell, buy, trade or otherwise transfer your online ID, your Platform account or your personal access to the Avakin Life Applications or any content or services accessed via the Avakin Life Applications, through any means or method, including use of web auction sites;
10.Use the Avakin Life Applications in any way that harms the Avakin Life Applications or any of affiliates, subsidiaries, licensors, service providers, partners or users;
2.24 You will not “farm” in-application items, points or other Service content (i.e. playing a Service primarily for purposes of amassing an inventory of in-application items or virtual currency) for real-world commercial gain.
2.25 You will not engage in, and will not advertise or facilitate, the unauthorized sale, purchase, transfer or sharing of access to any account, Plug-in, or Service items for real-world money or other consideration.
2.11 You will not post any web site links or URLs for commercial products or services or otherwise market, promote, advertise, solicit or offer to buy or sell any products or services within the Avakin Life Applications or any part of the Avakin Life Applications for any purpose except as expressly authorized by Lockwood in writing. Plug-ins may not be sold, either for real money, in-application (virtual) currency or in-application services, or include advertising or in any way offer or solicit services or donations.
If you are on this list. Chances are you have been reported. If you are going to buy likes via 3rd party services, use Illegal mods, sell coins or accounts and think that you can get away with it. You might want to read the Terms of Service and Code of Conduct because it is a bannable offense.
110,137 profile likes on a 2 year account breaks down to 4,589 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

Player is wearing bruises & scars that have not been available in the avakin shop longer than the age of her account. This is indicative of them using 3rd party services like discord to buy modded items which violated LKWDs Terms of Service.

Player is wearing bruises on his sides & scars on his chest that have not been available in the avakin shop longer than the age of his account. This is indicative of them using 3rd party services like discord to buy modded items which violated LKWDs Terms of Service.

15,391 profile likes on a 1 year account breaks down to 1,282 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord as well as buying modded items as you can see he is wearing scars on his avies chest that have not been available longer than his account.

60,193 profile likes on a 3 year account breaks down to 1,672 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

40,079 profile likes on a 3 year account breaks down to 1,113 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

Player is wearing bruises that have not been available in the avakin shop longer than the age of her account. This is indicative of them using 3rd party services to buy modded items which violates LKWDs Terms of Service.

24,160 profile likes on a 2 year account breaks down to 1,006 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

77,149 profile likes on a 6 year account breaks down to 1,071 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

10,162 profile likes on a 5 month account breaks down to 2,032 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

23,800 profile likes on a 2 year account breaks down to 991 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord as well as buying modded items as you can see by the bruise she has on her leg which has not been available longer than the age of her account.

82,655 profile likes on a 5 year account breaks down to 1,377 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

24,829 profile likes on a 1 year account breaks down to 2,069 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

This player is using scars and a pose that have not been available in years and her account age is only 3 months old. This is indicative of them using 3rd party services to buy modded items.

44,040 profile likes on a 5 year account breaks down to 734 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

10,359 profile likes on a 1 year account breaks down to 863 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

21,979 profile likes on a 4 year account breaks down to 457 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

31,685 profile likes on a 6 year account breaks down to 440 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

96,558 profile likes on a 1 year account breaks down to 8,046 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another player buying likes via 3rd party services like discord.

The pose this player is using below is not for sale in the shop and hasn't been for years. The age of her account is proof showing she had to have bought it using 3rd party services

Report ID: I <3 myself

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player is wearing scars (mod items) that have not been available longer than the age of his account. According to LKWD, this is a Terms of Service violation.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes. Also those scratches he has on if you notice have not been in the shop longer than his account! hmm... Both of those are violations of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

This person literally does not know math is proof. So let's breaks this down with math. They say they gained 1,754 likes in only a span of 4 months. lmao. Ok, so that breaks down to 438 profile likes every month since the start of their account. That means every week you would have to get almost 110 likes per week even when you are not online AND keep in mind if you miss being online even one day to keep up with getting profile likes, now you would have to make up more likes the next day as it would compound. So bottom line, that's is totally inconsistant with how real likes work and is indicative to showing they are most definitely using a 3rd party service to buy likes. Secondly, the fact they would try to gaslight bout it by trying to make this sound legit when it isn't shows you the level of stupidity they have.

The below profile likes of their little cohort, shows profile likes that are consistant with the time they have been on. So compare those two profiles and you can easily tell. It's a no brainer.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Report ID: ThеDarkKnight
Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player is wearing bruises (mod items) that have not been available longer than the age of her account. According to LKWD, this is a Terms of Service violation.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Player using 3rd party services to buy likes which is a violation of LKWDs Terms of Service. Report shown below.

Report ID: ★ꦿᵗᵖO
It is a LKWD Terms of Service violation to sell accounts. Many players do not heed LKWDs warning stated in their Terms of Service about this, as well as the fact that you may even get scammed by players claiming to sell accounts.

Below, is the reason why so many players say they have been hacked. They give their information away to people like this shown below, thinking they are going to get coins and crowns for cheap only to wind up losing their accounts. When you give your information away to others and they use it against you, that is not hacking. That is them exploiting your gullibility and nievitivity with information you voluntarily provided. Lockwoods Terms of Service even warn about this and tell you it is even a violation. Yet players don't read the Terms of Service and don't realize by doing this, you are either going to lose your account from people like this shown below or lose it by Lockwood banning you for using these 3rd party service. Don't let people like this make a fool out of you.

Now all that gaslighting this guy did and below you can see him wearing bruises on his avie that have NOT been available now for longer than his account age!! And this guy sits there doubling down on stupid about him not buying likes?? LMAO. Dude your reality is seriously screwed. Total narcissist.

19,453 profile likes on a 2 MONTH account which breaks down to 9,726 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player admits in club glitch that she buys items from discord.

412,214 profile likes in 1 year breaks down to 34,351 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

This is the same player shown below. He is still buying likes off of discord. Since last we seen him he added 46,073 profile likes.
458,287 profile likes on a 1 year account which breaks down to 38,190 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

82,115 profile likes in 3 years breaks down to 2,280 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Bruises on a 4 month account? Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods.

20,721 profile likes in 11 months breaks down to 1,883 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

100,069 profile likes in 6 years breaks down to 1,389 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

68,580 profile likes in 7 years. That breaks down to 816 per month consistantly since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, another gameaddons mod user or player buying likes via discord.

31,682 profile likes in 2 years breaks down to 1,320 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isnt on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player is buying likes via discord.

38,513 profile likes in 3 years breaks down to 1,014 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

81,862 profile likes in 1 year breaks down to 6,821 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

31,283 profile likes in 3 years? That breaks down to 868 profile likes every single month since the start of the account, even when they are not on. This is inconsistant with how real profile likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another Gameaddons mod user or player buying likes via discord.

128,279 profile likes in 1 year breaks down to 10,689 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

7,350 profile likes in 1 month breaks down to 245 profile likes a month every day since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

96,571 profile likes in 4 years breaks down to 2,011 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

90,050 profile likes in 1 years breaks down to 7,504 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

81,327 profile likes in 2 years breaks down to 3,388 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

81,841 profile likes in 1 years breaks down to 6,820 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

35,453 profile likes in 4 years breaks down to 738 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

38,664 profile likes in 5 years breaks down to 644 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

41,756 profile likes in 4 years breaks down to 869 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

This player is trying to sell their account which according to LKWDs Terms of Service is a violation. This could also be someone who is just trying to scam players.

100,466 profile likes in 5 years breaks down to 1,674 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Bruises and scars on a 2 year account?? Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods.

Bruises and scars on a 2 year account?? Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods.

35,441 profile likes in 4 years breaks down to 738 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

42,897 profile likes in 3 years breaks down to 1,191 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

37,364 profile likes on a 2 year account which breaks down to 1,556 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

16,924 profile likes in 8 months breaks down to 2,115 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

15,457 profile likes in 10 months breaks down to 1,545 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

81,391 profile likes on a 6 MONTH account which breaks down to 13,565 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

11,242 profile likes on a 1 year account which breaks down to 936 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

That g-string fit on a two year old account?? Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods.

Bruises & scratches on a 1 year account? Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods. The bruises and scratches have not been available longer than the age of this players account.

Bruises on a 2 year account? Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods.

49,557 profile likes in 4 years breaks down to 1,032 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

99,051 profile likes in 3 years breaks down to 2,751 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

201,057 profile likes in 3 years breaks down to 5,584 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Name violates Terms of Service and not appropriate for 13+ year olds to be seeing.
Oh yea, and theres also this in the Terms of Service:
4.2 You agree not to register any online ID, account name or user name which is abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene. We may alter or delete and online ID, account name or user name (including the corresponding user account) if we consider that online ID, account name or user name to be abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene.

Player has 20,748 likes in three years. That breaks down to 576 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 25,794 likes in four years. That breaks down to 537 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 24,978 likes in six years. That breaks down to 346 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 12,785 likes in one year. That breaks down to 1,065 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 15,652 likes in two years. That breaks down to 652 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 50,950 likes in 3 years. That breaks down to 1,415 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 30,953 likes in 3 years. That breaks down to 859 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

20,775 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 577 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 20,725 likes in 3 years. That breaks down to 575 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 12,209 likes in 3 years. That breaks down to 339 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player is wearing a swimsuit that has not been available in YEARS! Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods.

Player has 19,322 likes in nine months. That breaks down to 2,146 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 20,894 likes in two years. That breaks down to 870 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 32,392 likes in four years. That breaks down to 674 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 17,041 likes in three years. That breaks down to 473 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 15,096 likes in one year. That breaks down to 1,258 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has 51,412 likes in three years. That breaks down to 1,428 likes consistantly every month since the start of the account. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin life. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Notice the bottom fangs? Notice the profile age? They have not come back out with those bottom fangs in a very long time. Definitely gameaddons user who is using mods.

11,779 profile likes on a 1 year account which breaks down to 981 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

15,256 profile likes on a 1 year account which breaks down to 1,271 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

40,848 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 1,134 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

103,904 profile likes on a 4 year account which breaks down to 2,164 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

59,726 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 1,659 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

23,001 profile likes on a 1 year account which breaks down to 1,916 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

24,064 profile likes on a 2 year account which breaks down to 1,002 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

22,319 profile likes on a 2 year account which breaks down to 929 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Selling accounts is ILLEGAL per the Terms of Service. Why do people not understand they lose their accounts when they get caught breaking the ToS?

147,040 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 4,084 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

69,334 profile likes on a 2 year account which breaks down to 2,888 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Illegal coin seller/scammer.

This player was at avakin high. I looked at their profile and seen they had 44,310 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 1,230 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Sooo.. 9388 likes in only a month. Really? So every single day he has been on he has gotten 312 likes per day? I seriously doubt that. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

115,462 profile likes on a 8 year account which breaks down to 1,202 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

89,833 profile likes on a 4 year account which breaks down to 1,871 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

50,062 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 1,390 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

20,884 profile likes on a 5 year account which breaks down to 348 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

15,521 profile likes on a 4 year account which breaks down to 323 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

21,662 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 601 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

30,350 profile likes on a 5 year account which breaks down to 505 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

So here is the breakdown on this players profile likes. 15,632 profile likes over the course of two years which is 24 months. So 15,632 divided by 24 = 651 likes per month. Sorry but experienced avakin life players know that you cannot get that many likes consistantly even when you are offline. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

32,690 profile likes in two years? So here is the breakdown of this. 32,690 divided by 24 months = 1,362 profile likes per month. That breaks down to 340 likes per week if you assume every month has 4 weeks. So this player would have to get this many likes per week even when they are offline. That's not going to happen and experienced avakin life players know this. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

30,982 profile likes on a 5 year account which breaks down to 516 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

If you look at the likes below in the screenshot of this player, over the course of 5 years this account has been active, it's obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord. If you do the math on the total likes divided by her years of playing, it comes out to 7,917 likes per year. Then if you break that figure down by month, it comes out to thats 659.75 likes per month. Break that down per 30 days in a month, (and some months are shorter than 30 days mind you), thats 22 likes per day every single day even on the days they never logged in which would set them back those likes on the following day! This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin.

19,881 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 552 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

17,303 profile likes on a 3 year account which breaks down to 480 profile likes a month every month since the start of the account, even when the player isn't on. This is inconsistant with how real likes work in avakin. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

This player came to SSF event and was invisible. Older players know this is a mod from gameaddons and some will do this to be able to read your private messages. If you encounter people that do this, do not talk in private messages and report them. Its a good rule of thumb to always click on every person in a zone to make sure that you see their green silhouette. If you click on a player and look all around in a zone and see no figure with a green silhouette, chances are they are modding and most likely reading PMs on everyone.

Name violates Avakins Terms of Service.
Terms of Service:
4.2 You agree not to register any online ID, account name or user name which is abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene. We may alter or delete and online ID, account name or user name (including the corresponding user account) if we consider that online ID, account name or user name to be abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene.

So what do you think the problem is here with this guys profile? Is it maybe the real sex pic for his profile picture?? That totaly violates Avakins Terms of Service so we reported this user as shown below.

Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player has manufactured likes. Look at likes vs views. 🙄🙄🙄 Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Look at likes vs views and the age of the account? About 70% of the views are likes. Obviously, yet another gameaddons user or player buying likes via discord.

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:
Oh yea, and theres also this in the Terms of Service:
4.2 You agree not to register any online ID, account name or user name which is abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene. We may alter or delete and online ID, account name or user name (including the corresponding user account) if we consider that online ID, account name or user name to be abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene.

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Covert narcissist.
Why was she banned from Coven? Read our "No Tollerance" page on
Albert Einstein so eloquently said: If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.
If you look at the first profile below. Take note how many views vs likes there are. Well over half of the views are likes for a two year account! That means over half the views liked her profile. That is not normal at all. Then look at the second profile below. Notice the views vs likes. That is entirely normal for a 2 year account. If you look at other 2 year accounts in avakin you will see similar to that second profile and some may be 1k more.

To give more context to this, Minks was talking about a girls profile named Desire who was wearing a swimsuit five days before it was released that I showed her was odd in Avakin Life. Well after Minks posted the screenshot of the girl just above, she then started talking about her account being modded and her likes, I began looking closer at both Minks profile and the one below hers not realizing Minks was talking about the profile of the girl named desire that I showed her (shown in the conversation below). Then I started immediately seeing irregularities between Minks profile and the girl shown up above and realized, Minks was using
Below is the conversation for you to read to give full disclourse of the course of events.

Right here she admits to receiving a email from Gameaddons. That ONLY HAPPENS IF YOU USE THEIR SERVICES! Neither I nor my girlfriend ever get these emails because we dont use Gameaddons! Because it violates the community guidelines!! Jesus!!

Here is where Minks goes into gaslighting! This is a tell tale sign of a NARCISSIST! And just in case you want more perspective on this about her character as a person. Below is a SS of her asking for crowns saying that she would repay me and NEVER did. A sign of ENTITLEMENT. Just how narcissists are. If you want more definitive information on narcissism, go to Then search for Dr. Ramani Davasula or MedCircle. Listen to EVERYTHING ON NARCISSISM! It will help you spot narcissists like her in Avakin Life so you can avoid them and stay away from them.

Read the below conversation to show even yet more proof of her gaslighting.

So not only did she gaslight as shown above, but in the screenshots below, you will also see when I had went to Santa Monica Boardwalk I seen her name showing in the list of people who were there and she was totally invisible. Meaning. She uses privacy mods! So if you know her and ever see this kind of activity with anyone. Report them immediately so avakin can look into their account and find out if they have these privacy mods. People will use privacy mods to literally spy on your private conversations! So only talk in a private place with only people you really really know!

If anyone will lie or gaslight you. Then they do not deserve your friendship. Because they do not value respect or have respect for you as a person or friend AND think they are smarter than everyone! If you remain friends with people like this, you are pouring your energies into an empty vessel and are quite literally WASTING YOUR TIME with them when you could be investing your energies in the right people who grasp the simple concept of what respect really is. Time always has a way of bringing the most stubborn, arrogant and narcissistic people to their knees. I've seen it and it always happens and eventually that person will show you how they really are. Do not allow cognitive disodance to justify their wrongful behavior or you will eventually find yourself in a cycle of abuse with an abusive person to even compromising your integrity and values that keep you grounded. These kinds of people who will deceive you and lie to you, WILL make your lifes path full of potholes. You can either have a smooth road.. or a road that is continously making it harder on your health, your life, your mindset and outlook. Once you decide to remove them you will find the ones who are true and authentic in life. You cannot put a price on peace of mind.
And here yet again, another person using You can tell by the number of likes on her profile. So here is just a way to figure this out, take 365day in a year x 5years = 1825days then divide that into her number of likes she has. What do ya get? It comes out to 18.1846575342. So she has to get 18 likes every single day that she played consistantly for 5 years and if she misses a day of playing then she has 36 likes to get the next day. So, who on Avakin life has played every single day consistantly without being sick, having obligations, vacations, etc? Yeaaa... Its common sense. Oh yea.. and the last thing, look at her profile pic. So obvious player is also using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Another Modder. Look at the likes. Only able to get likes to that much in 4 years by using, you guessed it, Avakin Lifes other company that they keep quiet about, that is, until they decide to advertise it in the venue like I have seen done and have screenshots of. Scroll to the third screenshot down from this profile to see proof of this.

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Player has manufactured likes. Look at likes, views and account age. 🙄🙄🙄 Gameaddons?

This pic of this conversation shown below which was in public chat, was taken at the venue. It clearly shows normal font and them advertising

This avakin is obviously using a mod which is "discord" shown in the screenshot of his profile pic. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this: Also from what we know about him he is literally a pathological liar, he is the definition of a textbook covert & malignant narcissist.

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this: Also notice the full body fishnet bodysuit?? That has not been available for well over 5 years! Yet her account age is 3 years.

This pic was taken 8/19/2022 and that swimsuit was not available in avakin until 8/30/2022 when avakin put this swimsuit out in the shop. Thats eleven days later after this pic was taken. They obviously are using an illegal mod because that outfit was only available before her account began. Notice her account is only 2 years old and that swimsuit had not been available for well over three and a half years! Also notice her likes... thats obviously manufactured likes. Gameaddons? And lastly, player is obviously using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this: AND he is also illegally selling his account. Now you would think that LKWD would do something about this but they wont because they make money with their other company Gameaddons if people do not want to pay the marked up prices for things they sell in avakin. Yet they have a community guidelines page saying things like this are illegal. The reason they do, is it gives them the right to ban you in order to make you start over and keep paying money to them all over again. Its their way of having a revolving door of revenue and they know it.

This avakin is using a illegal mod that is how she has the color around her profile pic on her profile.

Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

This player is using a mod which is the bikini she is wearing. It has not been available for years! Secondly, her profile pic shows penetration and her breasts are exposed. Player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this: How does LKWD miss these things? Oh thats right. They also are Gameaddons. 🙄🙄

Gameaddons user. Look at the likes. ILLEGAL.
Oh ya and the other thing about this profile is the name which the Terms of Service explicitly state:
4.2 You agree not to register any online ID, account name or user name which is abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene. We may alter or delete and online ID, account name or user name (including the corresponding user account) if we consider that online ID, account name or user name to be abusive, threatening, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory or ethically, sexually or religiously offensive or obscene.

This Screenshot was taken 8/19/2022. Illegal mod. Then on 8/30/2022 they released this swimsuit to Avakin Life. Also, player using "discord" which is technically an illegal mod when you use it to change your pfp. Think we dont know what we're talking about? Listen to this:

Illegal manufactured likes from gameaddons. Look at those likes... in only one year! Do the math on that and it comes out to 7,268 likes per month and the views?? Really in one year? Dont think so. Even items she is wearing were frome gameaddons.

Using gameaddons for likes.

Illegal mod. Headpiece was only available before her accout was made.

Avakin player is using mod. Has a bikini on that has been unavailable since her account was created. 🙄🙄🙄

Reported for mods. Mesh top was available way before her account was created then removed from shop.

Reported for mods. Swimsuit was available way before her account was created then removed from shop.

Mommymilkers uses many illegal mods. From dances that are literally over 3 years old to Gold dino outfits and clothes which were way before account was created then removed from shop.

Reported for mods. Those shorts were available far before the account was ever created then removed from shop until they brought them back on 8/16/2022

Reported for mods. Those shorts were available far before the account was ever created then removed from shop until they brought them back on 8/16/2022

Reported for mods. Those shorts were available far before the account was ever created then removed from shop until they brought them back on 8/16/2022

Illegal coin seller.