Scammers in Avakin Life
If you have screenshots you wish to submit that you would like listed on this site to warn other players of scammers in avakin life that you come across, you may send them to: or We ask that you submit screenshots from a private email address so we may respect your privacy. Make sure to include screenshots of the persons profile and conversation.
This page is about all of the scammers we have encountered in Avakin Life.

Here is another scammer in sundown.

Thank you Alfonso for always doing a great job handling reports! Kudos.
Notice this players name? That says it all. He didn't even give up trying to sell me on his bullshit toward the end.

This scammer was at Sundown tring to scam people with trades. 🙄🙄🙄

SCAMMER at Sundown messages public chat saying "Who would be interested in earning 3000$ real cash? Message me." Screenshots shown below.

Even on Insta there are scammers. This account says "if you want to be rich and famous to message them on whatsApp."
So here is my two cents about that load of excrement. "Anything in life you attain. You will eventually lose." - Buddhist proverb.
I do not give one iota about being rich or famous. That is all superficial. Life is about learning who you truly are and can be and finding the genuine and authentic people in life to share your happiness with.

These avakins were hanging out at Sundown around 8:50am CST and are going around scamming people. The screenshots say it all!
Reported to LKWD.

This avakin user claims they are selling avacoins. They do this to try and get your info to take your account. Reported this to LKWD.
UPDATE: LKWD Received report on Jul 26, 2022, 11:32 AM and now investigating.

This user was baiting people in avakin plaza by asking "Who wants to make 2000.00 a day". I asked how and they asked me to send them a message to a phone number in WhatsApp. Here is the screenshots of the entire conversation along with their profile.
UPDATE: LKWD received my report.

This avakin tried giving a gift to my girlfriend at SSF. She refused. People do not seem to realize that if it is a mod that has a keylogger that your account information can be stolen.

This person is going around trying to give gifts to people then blocking. I have been told when you see naked bald avies that do this, to block them immediately! Which I did. When I search for them. They do not show up. Glad I got them blocked.

Beware of this avakin player! They are going around in game trying to pull scams on people.

I was friended by this avakin at Avakin High. She claimed to have Leukemia but uses it as a way to prey on peoples sympathy in order to get people to buy her things. Then when she does'nt get what she wants, she gets mad. So I welcomed her to "Block town". When I blocked her, she decided to attack me in her hashtag. Notice how she uses manipulation in her second email saying she had a bad day. This is a narcissists way of coerceing people in hopes they will feel sorry for them so they can get what they want.

Welcome to the wall of shame "boo".
This guy admits to having 800 accounts and uses Avakin lifes new user accounts as an exploit to get free stuff for his main. He gets on Avakin to entice Avakin life players to switch to IMVU because he says he makes skins for players in IMVU in order to make real money. So he literally is using Avakin as his personal resource pool for new customers.