Toxic Players to avoid in Avakin Life
Don't argue with a narcissist. Their lies are their truths, and they want to watch you going crazy trying to prove it.
Get to know them long enough and see for yourself, just don't say that we didn't warn you.
Demonia the covert & narcissistic whore
This player tried to get me to cheat on my partner. Then tried to break us up by causing drama since I turned down her advances but she failed because my partner and I are still together. I knew when she first walked up to me and my partner, she only talked to me in my PM while my partner was right there! It felt like she was targeting me for a reason and if it was, it failed. Then she even claimed her dad died and even tried using that to get sympathy as she said to me "she wanted to snuggle with someone", hinting, and I knew that seemed off. Why would a person use an excuse like THAT to try and get close to a person? Because they are toxic just like they will always be for the rest of their life. Might want to change that hashtag!
Welcome to the Toxic Players page Demonia!

The Toxic, covert, malignant, self righteous & grandiose narcissist, Scorpio.

The screenshot to the left gives you an idea into the mind of how Scorpio thinks as well as about how she sees herself. She refers to herself as "I'm the main course." Seeing herself as the focal point with Koda even though Koda just said she was in a relationship for over a year with someone. Instead of respecting Koda having a relationship with someone that she has been seeing for over a year as well as taking into consideration the feelings of Kodas partner who does not play avakin, Scorpio instead makes the conversation all about her with her subtle comment and even goes so far as to refer to Kodas partner as a "side biscut." If you pay attention, that was some carefully selected language she deliberately chose to use which shows how she sees Kodas partner being insignificant while exalting herself. Proving, that she lacks the emotional quotient to understand the feelings of others and exhibits traits of grandiose narcissistic personality disorder according to the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual Fifth Edition of mental disorders.

So, let's put all of this in context. Scorpio has a grudge against us, as she mentioned in the screenshots. At the time I didn't understand why until after I attempted to communicate with her on Instagram regarding her clan member named Chessie that Scorpio kicked out of her family. My intention was to mend their relationship, unaware of the reasons behind their fallout until later. However, when I approached her to discuss this, it seems she must have either been under the influence of alcohol that night, OR that she could have thought I already knew about why she kicked Chessie out of her family and that could be the reason why she decided to be reactive and go on her abusive rant, (displayed below.) The narritive she is trying to sow is that I was trying to tell her what to do which to me sounds very much like a misandrist way of thinking considering all I was trying to do was appeal to her conscience about mending her and Chessies friendship because I could tell Chessie missed her family and freinds. Now in retrospect, I realize how much for the better it is that things did not go in that direction, as I started to understand more about who Scorpio really is as a person.
So later after this is when Chessie told me that she questioned Scorpio as to why Scorpio was now going from having an "in game son" relationship to an "in game INTIMATE relationship with her game son!." Apparently Scorpio didn't like this and this is why Scorpio booted Chessie out. So as you read her rant below, where she says that Chessie "bullied my kids". (She is meaning her "in game kids.")
First off. Chessie is NOT the type of person who bullies people, she is actually the person who gets bullied by people! Her heart is nothing like a bully. As for Scorpios, let me put this in perspective. Scorpio actually called Chessies work, then denied doing it when confronted by Chessie, until a memeber in Scorpios clan named Cage, called Scorpio out on lying about it and then Scorpio admitted she did call her work to him. Right there shows she is a stalker as well as gaslighter, is deceitful AND a liar. To add more to this disturbing situation is Scorpio normalizing intamacy with her "in game kids" and from what I specifically remember, it was ok with her that actual adults in real life in her clan were having inappropriate in game relationships with real life minors! I even remember bringing this up to her and she would say "I'll handle it" but she never did. This has solidified in my mind that Scorpio is not only sick and out of touch with reality but also shows she has at least three NPD subtypes. Covert, malignant and self righteous.
Next, I never told Scorpio she was a "shit person" as she accuses me of in the screenshots, ever. And I never bullied her ever as I am deadset against bullying and she knows this. What I said which is shown below is she had "a narcissistic attitude." Then at the end where she says she "looked me up." How did you do that Scorpio when I never gave any personal information to you? Yet another lie. Then she says that I am "Phony." Let's see, just to make sure I am understanding this right. Our organization is trying to protect kids from pedophiles (from people like her) and she says I am phony? If I didn't know any better it sure sounds like she is projecting what she feels about herself on to others. Something narcissists do on the regular. Yet another identifier proving who Scorpio really is. So to recap. She lies, gaslights, justifies and normalizes adults having inappropriate relationships with minors, is verbally abusive, jealous of others, controlling, covert, uses coercive actions to be malicious to people and not to mention has a huge ego which would be the 4th NPD subtype she has which is "Grandiose" NPD. If you're looking for a toxic person, this is it right here. *SMH* And she says we are "garbage" in the screenshot above. *SMH* Keep projecting your insecurities Scorpio. We already know who you really are inside.
Finally, in closing. To our haters like Scorpio and all of her flying monkies she uses for any doxing campaigns, are brainwashed by her lies and criticize our work of exposing pedofiles like her. Do something productive with your time instead of spewing toxicity, lies, triangulating and hating and justifying adults having sexual relationships with minors. People like you are why the world has problems with pedofiles. Because they normalize it using cognitive disodance to make wrong behavior look right when you know it isn't.

This players original Avie was ⸸ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ˢᵖᵉˡˡ ⸸ Then she made the alt which is shown below. When we first had let her work with us, she had tried to discredit our work of exposing paedophiles by using illicit practices to manipulate a forced response. That might be how she works but it is not how VDC works, hince why she no longer is in VDC. This is another reason why we are much more careful with who we surround ourselves around and work with. She would even private message me and expect me to not let my girlfriend know anything that she would messaging me. Number 1, that is disrespectful AF to my girlfriend and I was not about to do that. She would constantly scream in my PM that my girlfriend was not giving her as much attention as she was giving to other people and make threats to leave if she doesn't get as much attention. I finally asked her in public to just talk openly about her concern so she could be heard and then she lost it. She became arguementative and hostile, instead of trying to voice her concerns & feelings. *smh* This is exactly why we are cautious now. All of our memebers have a seat at the table but we do not treat anyone better or different than anyone else nor will we. Why be that petty? I've heard of people being ridiculously petty about likes before.. but this? This is just next level petty kindergarden nonsense.

Full description of this player is listed under the ILLEGAL page midway down. Both pics below are of both of her accounts. (Who knows how many she has.) She will ask for crowns as the screenshots show on the ILLGEL page even though she buys items off gameaddons which is obviously illegal. *smh* If you are going to play the game and your a full grown ass adult, dont go begging people for crowns and using manipulation by saying you are poor, then go buy illegal items from gameaddons.

Full description of this player can be found under the SEX PREDATOR section (toward the bottom). This guy is quite the character. Both pics below are of both of his accounts. His other accounts are not known at this time.

The full description about this player is listed near the bottom of the page under the AVAKIN BULLIES section. All three pics shown below are of all his accounts that we know of.

Full description of this player is listed under SEX PREDATORS section toward the bottom and the five pics below are of all his five accounts that we know about.

The player below is a covert narcisist and goes by the name "Domian". When we first meet him he was all kinds of nice than as we got to know him better we seen his narcissist side starts to come out. He claims he is from Brazil but always speaks in english and interestingly he uses MANY U.S. expressions. Also, we have never once witnessed him speak in his own language at all, at least not during the time we known him which was almost two months. He once told us he was friends with a 14 year old on Instagram then changed his tune and said "well she friended me I never friended her." When we had tried to tell him that it is not age appropriate, he literally could not understand why. Huge red flag here! Also, he once waited until I logged off and tried to get my girlfriend to tell him every name on her friend list which was none of his business. I confronted him about this and told him he is not getting the names on our friends list, then he proceeded to ask me "Not even yours?" So evidently his comprehension skills are lacking. (ANOTHER HUGE RED FLAG!) If you lay down boundaries, he will gladly ignore them and keep pressing his luck which obviously shows he definitely has control issues or thinks he is so smart that people will just do what he wants them to do. A clear sign of a narcissist! He is also is very passive agressive and does not see using his friends as the butt of his jokes but will get upset when his ex's friends do the same back to him. Hmm.. I think that is call a double standard? He lacks the intellectual capacity to understand when people tell him no.

The self absorbed ego of Raeyne
This person is a chameleon. In her profile, she use to always claim to live in Norway but actually lives in the UK. She now goes by Raeyne aka Lilith, Nyx, Beautifulmistake, Lucifer, DarkRayne and who knows what others. According to what she told me, she was kicked out of a family of over 200 players. She never elaborated as to why. This was December of 2021 right before Christmas. She at one time tried to break me and my girlfriend up. It began at the ball you see us at in the screenshot below that I have posted. She even made the comment that she would "pinch my girlfriend" from me, as in "steal". This was before the ball event ever went live in avakin! She even mentioned to me and my girlfriend, hearing voices as well as seeing objects morph, which is known as "audible and visual hallucinations". This is defined as "Psychosis" or "Schizophrenia" in psychology. MedCircle and even Dr. Ramani Davasula talk about this in detail on their youtube channels. She claims everyone wants to copy her avies and steal her ideas. (screenshot shown below.) This is "Paranoia" which is associated with "Schizophrenia".

Now, it is not defacto that Schizophrenia has a direct link to narcissistic traits, or how it plays a role with it, or in interpersonal relationships, but it is indicative of one who should be on meds to help balance brain chemistry. Whether this was genetically inherited or self induced. It's clear there are a plethera of mental issues going on here that are causing her to act the way she does. Regardless, the way she chooses to treat others how she does, is is totally unacceptable.

In the top picture you can see Babydoll from the Death Family who NYX aka Lilith kept trying to get me to dance with. I refused NYXs advice shown in the pic as well as Babydolls multiple attempts to interact with me which I thought was suspicious AF.

In the above picture, some may consider what she said "a joke", but after enough time of being around her, it was a regular theme to have this kind of misandrist way about her. Especially when she was drinking Jack Daniels. Comments like that are indicitive to narcissism and passive agressiveness. If anyone accepts being the butt of ones jokes on the regular, you are allowing yourself to be conditioned for abuse and form a trauma bond. This is what narcissists do all to well and they don't care because they never were taught emotional quotient as a child from their parent when they were growing during their developmental years. It is even possible this could have been how her parents had treated her as she was growing up and now she sees this as "normal" behavior. I believe the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) even talks about this. Only that person can fix this later in life but many narcissists do not think they have a problem at all so they wind up damaging others along the way and could care less about how they impact others with their abuse which then causes the abused to have disorders of their own, like PTSD. Even Complex PTSD and the effects from that could last much longer than the abuse did, even well after you get away from the abuser! People don't realize how serious this affects their mental health for the long term after being around a narcissistic abuser.

To give context to the above pic. I shared a concept idea to Lilith that the devs could make to protect players from other players trying to copy their styles. (Like a temporary trademark you pay for every month.) I shared this with Lilith maybe a week before the valentines day event. The day of the Valentines day event, Lilith told me Jocelyn was at the event and I could run the idea past her since she supposedly knew the developers. So I showed up to meet this person and tried to talk to Jocelyn about the idea and she ignored the idea and never spoke. So I started to share the idea in public chat and she still never answered back so I then gave up trying to explain it and Jocelyn left. So my girlfriend Stars left as she was bored and I left as well. Then when I logged back in 2 days later after this happened. This was the abusive letter I got in my email. #1. We never even spoke about a time that we would meet. It was suppose to be that day that I came to the event from what Lilith explained and I showed up and tried but Jocelyn obviously didn't want to listen and left. No meeting was ever pre arranged after that. Facts. #2. Jocelyn even ignored Lilith at the event and wouldn't talk to her. That def seemed strange to me and #3. I had real life to take care of so I could not be on two days after the event. Now, If you read that email carefully you will see some interesting points. #1. Jocelyn invited Lilith, the person she ignored at the event to come and talk?? Really?? #2. She deleted Lilith because of me? The guy who was trying to share the idea with her at the event and then started to share it in public and then she left anyway? #3. Then Lilith threatens to delete both Stars and me because I wasn't on for two days after the event where I went to talk to Jocelyn? Then she mentions how she felt stupid and had to make excuses for me when again there was never a tentative meeting scheduled because Jocelyn left? How TF does any of that make any sense? It because she is a gaslighter. A full on Covert Narcissist. I don't know how she doesn't see how crazy her ranting sounds but it is for this and the other reasons I listed above that I have to label this person as a highly toxic person. Oh and, below is the pic of Jocelyn. Might want to take notice of the years she has played along with the likes. That is obviously a modded account. If you do the math, thats 6070 likes per each year which breaks down to 505 likes per month. EVEN when she is offline. Ya, I gotta call bullshit on this one. Can anyone say gameaddons?

Here is even one of her emails shown above where, once again, she was obsessed with thinking everyone wants to copy her. She even had a shit fit that AToH bought the same jacket she had on when she was showing him her properties. AToH put it on his female avie then showed it on his fashion blog so she got pissed and blocked him (she claimed), all over a damn jacket?? The level of arrogance and pettyness is just pubescent. *smh* As if lockwood made that jacket specifically for her and her alone... unreal. Anyway, I digress. As you look at that email above, be sure to really look at that date on it because it was way before her rant email above that. Why is that? Because I tried to be a friend and think of a concept that would settle her paranoia about everyone wanting to copy her but instead I wasted my time trying to help her & wind up getting shit on with her drama email when I did nothing wrong but try to help her.
So here we go again with "Bullshit 2.0"
We ran back into Raeyne at the scorpio event, only she had changed her name to Lagertha. We weren't sure what to think about this as she claimed to have turned over a new leaf (shown in the screenshot below her old profile & the convo we had with her at the scorpio event) but it's still the same ole same ole.

In the screenshot to the left of this text where she says "ava keeps deleting my friends list", we already knew that was a lie. Never seen anyone even mention this on reddit at all about this happening or even anyone in game talking about it, so this was already a red flag.

Every place we would go with her, it didn't matter where, she would always insist people were trying to copy her avies looks and it was probably 80% of the time she claimed it was males.

Then we went to Club Glitch and she DM's a guy calling him a cnt because she thought he was copying her. The poor guy didn't even know what in the hell she was talking about as you can see in the screenshots below.

There comes a point in life where you just need to step away from people like this and hope one day in time that they figure out how they are.